Obama wants to Protect Us by Taking Our Internet Away

Friday, August 28, 2009

As part of the ever growing government plan to control every aspect of our lives there is a bill to for Obama to take over and disconnect the Internet in the case of an emergency, including private networks. I consider the internet to be closely tied to the dissemination of information and the freedom of speech. This article describes the nearly limitless bill. The countries which have the most heavily censored internet access include: Burma, Cuba, Egypt, Iran, Maldives, North Korea, Peoples Republic of China, Syria, Tunesia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. I never thought the United States would land on this list. We are supposed to be the Land of the Free. Obama clearly feels that he knows best on every issue. He wants to be a car salesman, a health insurance provider, and now he wants to control the internet. When will it stop?


liam o'brien said...

yeah i know exactly where your coming from.. I live in the uk and it feels like the government are taking control of our lives more and more every day..keep writing, I shall follow.

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