September 8 Sounds Like a Good Day to Play Hooky

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Obama is planning to brainwash the children of America on September 8th. He is addressing them from the White House via live feed to all the public schools in the nation. My children will not be in attendance at school that day. They will be off at the beach, enjoying the day, blissfully unaware. I know that the Obamafest is likely to continue on the days following the 8th, but I think they may be able to avoid a great deal of it by simply not coming to school on that day. They are not going to be learning anything educational on that day anyway.

President Obama is adressing the children of our nation during school hours, with no parents in attendance to explain or correct misconceptions or biases he may bring up. He is making sure his message is reinforced by the liberal teaching staff at the school by making sure that the children have his "message" drilled into their heads with learning material suggestions. One such question is "Students might think about: What specific job is he asking me to do? Is he asking anything of anyone else? Teachers? Principals? Parents? The American people?"

He is asking them to tell their parents to do something? Here's an idea, I listen to what the President says and then decide which parts of his message, if any, would be beneficial to my children, like a parent, rather than the other way around. These are the days when I wish that my children were in private school.

This overexposure of Obama, down to the level of the children, reminds me of the atmosphere that was present when Saddam Hussein ruled Iraq. The ever-present great and powerful leader... I find it terrifying. Please, Mr. President, leave my children alone, you are overstepping.


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